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A Guide to Choosing Between Broad, Phrase, and Exact Match Keywords

January 23, 2023by Saeed Pasha0

If you’re looking to advertise your product on Amazon, pay-per-click (PPC) is a great option. By choosing the right keywords for your campaign, you can effectively target your audience and increase your chances of making a sale. When setting up your PPC campaign, you’ll have the option to choose between three types of keyword matches: Broad, Phrase, and Exact.

Broad Match

Broad match keywords allow your ad to be displayed to a wider audience by matching your keyword to related search terms, including synonyms, misspellings, and variations. For example, if you are selling “Hush Sleeping Bag” and use the broad match keyword “Hush,” your ad may appear for searches like “Hush merchandise” even though those terms are not included as keywords.

While using broad match can increase your audience size, it also means you may be paying for clicks from people who are not necessarily interested in buying your product. This can lower your conversion rate and make it more difficult to determine which search terms are the most valuable for your campaign.

However, broad match can be a useful tool for gathering data on customer search habits and adjusting your keywords accordingly. By analyzing the performance of a broad match campaign, you can identify key search terms and optimize your keywords for a more targeted and successful PPC campaign.

Phrase Match

Using phrase match keywords in your pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns can help you target a specific audience and eliminate irrelevant searches. For example, if you are selling Hush Sleeping Bag and use the phrase match keyword “Sleeping Bag” your ad will only appear for searches that include that exact phrase and not for searches that include unrelated terms such as “portable light.”

This narrows your target audience and increases the chances of attracting qualified traffic to your site or listing. By analyzing the performance of your phrase match keywords, you can gather valuable data on the specific search phrases that are most effective for your campaign and optimize your strategy for maximum return on investment (ROI).

Overall, phrase match keywords can be a powerful tool for maximizing your PPC success and identifying the most valuable search terms for your product or service.

Exact Match

Exact match keywords are the most targeted and precise option for pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. By using exact match, you can narrow down the field of potential customers to those who are searching exclusively for your chosen keyword(s). This means that your ad will only appear for searches that match your keywords exactly, without any additional words before or after, or synonyms included.

Finding exact match keywords can be challenging, but they can be a valuable source of qualified traffic once discovered. One way to find exact match keywords is to analyze data from a broad match campaign report. By studying the search terms that customers are using, you can identify the exact keywords that are most effective for your campaign and attract a higher number of clicks on your ad.

Overall, using exact match keywords in your PPC campaigns can help you target the right audience and maximize the impact of your advertising efforts. By carefully selecting and analyzing your exact match keywords, you can increase your chances of making successful sales and achieve a better ROI.


Ultimately, the best keyword match type for your campaign will depend on your goals and the data you have available. By testing different options and tracking your results, you can optimize your PPC strategy and achieve the best possible return on investment.

Saeed Pasha

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